Thursday, June 30, 2011

First Draft Completed

I finished the first draft of the first novel in my series about dragons.  I added a chapter showing one of the main characters during a time of happiness.  It was actually meant to be part of another chapter but became its own chapter.

Now I think I'll read through the entire story and then start the first round of revisions.


  1. Do you plan on letting the story sit for a bit?

  2. No, it still needs a lot of work. I know many people recommend letting a story sit. Because I jumped around a lot working on the start and then the end and chapters in between and then going back to the end and then the beginning I feel I need to read the entire story through once to make sure the sequence is right and at the same time make corrections to a number of problems my editor pointed out.

    I don't feel it is ready to be left to sit. Also with the time line I have set it is possible that I will not let this story just sit. I have a number of beta readers and believe I will have more before I give out my story to beta readers.

  3. Congrats on finishing your first draft! There's nothing like the feeling you get when you type the last word on the last page. Good luck with your revisions! :)

  4. Thanks!

    I started with the first round of revisions today and made some good progress.
